Wednesday, July 17, 2013

4-27-2013 12_40_14 AM

  Tales of Hunter, the accidental pet

This was the first year in a long time that the Army base did not have a Fourth of July fireworks show or celebration. We have taken the grand kids a couple of times but last year was the first time they could really enjoy it. Charlie had staked us out a good spot in the  parking lot of the Officers Club and we had chairs and snacks and even had met up with our neighbors who were there to enjoy the fireworks too. In the past we took our kids to the celebrations of all the different bases we were stationed at. It was a tradition of sorts. Some of our best memories were of those times so it was with some degree of disappointment we planned a firework less fourth. This was also the first year we had a dog on the fourth. Did not think far enough ahead and plan for him and his anxiety. The same neighbors we met at the base were the ones who invited us to join them in a celebration at home this year. They planned for a good show. As we drove up to the neighborhood we saw cars parked on the side of the road and people watching the fireworks being set off in our neighborhood. It was quite fun and not just one show but 3 different ones in the same neighborhood. We enjoyed ourselves even if Hunter did not.

The Fourth of July


WHAT IS THAT?! WHERE IS IT COMING FROM?! I look around and I see grandma and grandaddy sitting in their usual spots. Not even reacting to the loud noises and windows rattling. How is that possible? " Hunter, calm down. It's just night firing on base. It can't get to you or hurt you. We wouldn't let that happen." How could you stop it, there is no way to tell where it is coming from or where it will strike next. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! I jump up and wedge myself behind grandma's legs and as far under the couch as I can get. Ratatatatatatatatatatata! Ratatatatatatatatatatata! Grandma gets up to goes to the kitchen and I follow close on her heels. "Granddaddy call him please. I would like to use the restroom a-l-o-n-e." She implores. "Hunter! Come here boy it's OK, grandma will come back." I'm torn. Where do I go? "Come here boy!" Grandaddy calls so I go to him and sit directly on his feet. This has got to be the worst night yet. "It won"t last much longer, so just sit here and calm down." He says rubbing my head and ears. OK, but I'm not convinced. Shortly after that all the booming and shaking stops. "Finally! It gets longer each time." He says. "I know," says grandma "who would have thought the base would expand so far out this way? I know we didn't consider it 20 years ago when we moved here." "Well , it's done now so let's go to bed. Come on Hunter, upstairs." OK I say but like it or not I'm sleeping in your room tonight.

"It's just part of his separation anxiety. He will get over it." I hear mom say to grandma on the computer. " he's the same way with thunder." " I know." Said grandma " but it seems to be getting worse." "Just keep reassuring him and making him feel safe and it will get better. Unless you want to hire him a therapist" mom says laughing. Then grandma starts and it's all downhill from there. I decide I've heard enough and go up to my room. Yes, it's my room now. I have taken the guest room. Anyone who comes over to spend the night has to share with me. In my mind at least. The reality is I get booted out. Oh well.

Since I'm new to the neighborhood, Tinkerbell feels she must educate me on the ins and outs of living here. One of the lessons was about how we live so close to the army base that when they have training we get the extra noise and vibrations  from that training. When I asked why, she kindly informed me that " it has to go someplace, silly." We are perfectly safe and not to worry. It won't hurt us. Her brothers just laughed and called me a baby. I have to admit that over the next several weeks she was right. I did get more used to it and less afraid. I never saw anything, only heard the sounds and felt the shaking. It didn't get any closer or worse, so I began to relax. I even got so I didn't notice when the big planes went overhead.  I started feeling pretty good about myself and dared anyone to call me a baby. Thunder and lightening were still a bit much but no one knew about that.

One day Miss Jackie came over and invited grandma and grandaddy to her house next door for a party in one week. The base wasn't going to have one this year because of budget cuts so they were planning one for home. "Great." Said granddaddy "We'll be there." The day came and I ended up in the house for longer than usual. Grandma and granddaddy were gone till dark so I thought they forgot about the party. Finally granddaddy comes in and says "Come on Hunter let's go, you need to go out and grandma and I need to get next door." OK, so out we go. I had heard music and laughter earlier and now I see grandma already over there and granddaddy left through the gate. I guess I get to stay out for a while. Cool. I hear people talking and laughing, kids running and playing. All of a sudden there was a loud whistling noise and a quick flash. What was that! Then there was another! Soon all kinds of booming, flashing,whistling,sparkling, glowing and smoking things were going off all at once. Oh my goodness! GRANDMA! GRANDADDY! Come quick!  Come now! Please come now! I can hear them. I can even see them in the flashing light. They are laughing and watching the THINGS. I run back and forth across the yard but they don't see me. I keep calling for them but they don't hear me. This can't be right. Tinkerbell said it wouldn't come to us but here it is! Why are they out there? More and more booms. More and more flashes. More screeching sounds and fire! I can't believe this, I have to get in where it's safe.  I run onto the deck and push on the door. Nothing. I push harder. Still nothing. Suddenly there is an enormous booming, exploding, light flashing wave that pushes open the deck door. I scramble inside, grab my kong toy and run up the stairs to hide. If they want to stay out there that's on them. I tried to warn them but they ignored me. At this point it's every man or dog for himself! Call me a baby if you want. I"m totally OK with that.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hunter, Tinkerbell, Mitzy and Bitzy

Tales of Hunter, the accidental pet

As a military family we had to learn how to get along with people and start fresh each time we moved. We had to get out there and look around and meet new people. We had to see and be seen. That was my approach with Hunter. He needed to see and be seen. I wanted him to learn the neighborhood and for them to know him. I wanted them to know we now had a dog. If only for a little while. That sounds strange because it has only been a little while but feels like forever. Enjoy!

   Hunter, Tinkerbell, Mitzy and Bitzy

After a while people in the neighborhood got used to seeing me and grandma or granddaddy walking around. Some would speak and some would wave. Word got out to all the other dogs that I was new in the area and most were friendly and wanted to play with me. But grandma being new to the pet parent business wouldn't let me go where I wanted all the time and tried to keep me in check when I would run and meet someone new. She wasn't usually successful. I am a big dog after all.

One day as we passed Brutus's house and turned the corner these two little long haired Chihuahuas  came at me pretty fast. Both yelling in high pitched voices that grated on my nerves. "Hi there! You're Hunter right? We're Mitzy and Bitzy. We're twins!" They said in unison. "We heard you were new..." "... and walked the neighborhood with your grandma..."...wanted to meet you...""... and say hi!" " so..HI!" Argh! I had to swing my head back and forth between them to see which one was talking! They kept jumping up and down, up and down! It was too much! Squeaky voices talking real fast, finishing each others sentences . Grandma take me away, please! I can't stand it! Finally we got started back down the way we came and they followed us. I walked faster and they walked faster. They just  kept coming, kept talking, kept jumping. Where were their parents?! We turned the corner onto our street and as I looked back to see if we were safe, they stopped and said together  "Bye Hunter! See you next time!" and turned and went back to their house. See me next time? Not if I see you first you won't. As we walked home I heard someone snicker. It was coming from grandma's friend Joan's yard. Her dogs were laughing at me. " Hi Hunter!" they said together in high pitched squeaky voices.   " I see you met Mitzy and Bitzy. Those girls are a trip." The bigger one said. "Yeah a trip." Said the smaller one laughing. "I didn't think it was funny, why are you laughing?" I said. "They have set their sights on you my friend and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy." Said the big one "You are fresh meat and all they have to do is get their mom to come outside and talk to your grandma while she's walking you and you will be a captive audience. Since you're on a leash and all." Oh no, can't let that happen. " They think they are so cute and the world revolves around them and that EVERYONE wants to know about it." More laughter erupted from the two of them. I pulled grandma down the road toward our house as I hear one of them say " I kind of feel sorry for him." "Not me. " Said the other "I'm just glad it's not us!"

After my encounter with " The Twins" I tried to avoid going that way on our walks. It was hard because we had to pass their house to go almost anywhere in the neighborhood. We started walking down into the cul de sacs and meeting new people and pets. Once again most were friendly would say hi or wave. Things were going pretty well until one day a car pulled into a driveway down the street. We were going into the garage when I hear "Tinkerbell ! You come back here right now missy!" "In a minute daddy!" Oh great, another one. Why? Why does it have to be another one? All of a sudden there was a little brown fur ball careening up the driveway at me. "Ma'am . I'm sorry, she's really gentle and wouldn't hurt anybody. She's just excited that's all. She loves to meet new dogs all the time." " It's OK" said grandma " I just hope I can keep Hunter from inadvertently hurting her." "Yes ma'am. My wife and I've seen you guys out walking and it looks like he's walking you instead of you walking him." "It feels that way sometimes too!" I look down and all I see is hair. " Hi, I'm Tinkerbell . I'm a Yorkie. What are you? " 0h great. I said groaning.." I'm Hunter and I'm, ( hum, what do I say?) I'm a pit bull." Chuckling,  the little fur ball says "No, really." " Uh yea, really." " No you're not. My brothers are pit bulls and you don't even come close to looking like them. So what are you?" Sighing loudly, "My mom said I was a wiemeriner/ mix with some pit in there somewhere. " " Cool" she said. Humph! " Thanks". Why was I even out here talking to her? Girls are nosey, yappy, and bossy. They are sooo annoying and can't seem to leave a guy alone. Man, I just want to go inside. Come on grandma I want a treat. " Uh oh , looks like someone s ready for  his treat. It was nice talking you Tom. And you too, Tinkerbell. Say bye Hunter" Really? Fine. "Bye!" Finally! Can we go inside now?  Grandma pats my head and says "Good job Hunter. You were a good boy. You can have two treats." Alright! Two treats! Don't know what I did or why it was worth two treats but I'll take it. Now, time for a nap.

A napping dog is a good dog. A napping Hunter is a treat for grandma.